Why, go drink beer at a gypsy music festival, that's what!
I'm not saying gypsy in a racist way, it's just how it's labeled.
(And I don't have any attachment to the word gypsy, so before you PC people jump down my throat, I don't mean it in a negative way at all.)
But I haven't heard anything positive about gypsies.
According to all the stereotypes, they lie and steal and milk the system for all the money they can.
But isn't this stereotype in all countries?
Anyway, it was a festival hosted by the national gypsy union (go figure they'd be unionized) and it was, for a lack of a better word, underwhelming. There was beer and food and mediocre music. Really mediocre music. And, I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but can bands PLEASE not sing in English?? Really: they just paste together the pop phrases and most of the time they make no sense.
Really. Sing in YOUR language. It might even be fun!
The wait for beer was at least 30 minutes—not because there was a long line, but when one person in line got to the counter, the 30 other people (mostly family) associated with them came up and ordered as well. So what seemed to be only 10 people in line turned out to be about 100 in reality. Not a bad trick, really. I'd do the same.
And it was messy there. I'm not saying that gypsies are typically messy, but it was a palace garden and I'm sure it was much cleaner before the festival started. But maybe the palace is growing plastic garbage bottles.
But, it was an interesting experience and I left with all of my belongings—which is a positive thing.

The wonderful festival area.
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