Friday, February 01, 2008

The First of 28

The first day of my 28 day blog-o-rama and here it is:

I approched this idea, of course, at my breakfast table in the morning after my writing and my crossword (thanks, mom and dad for hooking me!) and it seemed like a great idea at the time. Now, I am in doubt as to IF I can pull it off.

I am forcing myself to write and normally the writing comes out when I  least expect it and it seems to flow in away. Now I am not so sure. But we'll give it a go.

I cannot believe January is over. Just a month ago, I was back from the states and in Prague for new year's. A month ago I was wondering what the new year would bring (still am, actually) and after 31 days I am in no better place. I am trying to get my ass back into the squash courts to play since my shoulder (thank goodness) is finally 90% better and I have these doubts—or maybe fear—that I will not be able to be as active as I was a couple years ago.

The 15 or so pounds I put on during my trip home and during the holidays should be all the motivation I need, but I still don't know why I am so hesitant.

The 'ol Nike slogan "Just Do It" comes to mind.

And I will. Next week, I will start slowly and hopefully by end of March I can be playing with all the graceless form and skill I displayed before my shoulder went tits up.

(side note: I love that British phrase. It makes me giggle inside)

That's all for today. Baby steps....grasshopper.


Anonymous said...

If you are a true crossword geek you will enjoy the movie "Wordplay." It's a documentary about crossword puzzle champions. It's funny. Really.


Anonymous said...

We do what we can.

Tobius said...

I just realized you promised 28 posts. Will you not be posting on the 29th?