Monday, September 29, 2008

Someone in My Life is a Dweeb

For you, the public, as my jury:

When I was back home there is a certain person in my life (who I will keep nameless) that stopped talking to me for some reason.

I say some reason because while this person has told other people why they(the indirect pronoun) stopped talking to me, I still have not been told directly.

I can speculate however.

And here is my side:

After deciding not to call this person anymore after being hung up on when I tried to call my first day home (one hour before they normally wake up) the only time I ever got a request to hang out was when I could do something for this person. (Fixing computer, etc)

Now, I have no problem with this at all. I am simply saying that to hang out "just to hang out" was never implied.

Now let me digress just for a moment. I am a morning person. And with jet lag, I was REALLY a morning person. I was up at 5 or 5:30 and by the time 8 rolled around, I was totally stir crazy.

I met my friend Lou for coffee some of the days because his hectic lifestyle has him up and going to work at 7:30.

Perfect for me.

But when 9:00 came, I was on the other side of the city, often running errands, and for me to "just" come over (the computer thing) wasn't really possible.

Now, this person could have gotten up an hour early once or twice in my 10 days in the U.S.. If I am expected to just drop what I am doing when they want me to, they'd better be at least willing to do the same.

So the last day we spoke I was already on my way out to run some errands and I got a call from them. They asked me if I could "come over to fix the xyz computer problem". I said I was already out on the other side of the city but would call when I was done and could then meet up. Well, the errand took way longer than thought and I missed the chance to meet up with them. So, I went to a wonderful beer store and spent 10 dollars on imported german beer and left a message that we could meet up when they finished work for a beer or two.

No call.

I tried the next day. No answer.

The next day, no answer.

Now...passive aggression is not the answer to anything. How am I supposed to know what I did if I am not told??!!

Plus, this person is over 30, so I can't understand that either. Grow up...hello??!!!

Now, I know I am not perfect. Far from it, actually. But how anyone can tolerate this behavior is amazing. 

I was informed that they thought my friends ran my schedule (hello???...when did you ever plan anything with me?) and to a point that may be true. Once I was stir crazy, if I had other people to meet, and I was already out, I did it. Shit, I was hung up on once and their "normal waking time" maybe isn't from time to time. Am I supposed to wait around for a call that may not come? Is that fair?

I feel emotionally manipulated...or at least that I should feel guilty for something that I really feel isn't my fault.

I know that there are 3 sides to every story, I tried to be fair and balanced with my story.

What do you all think?

In any case, how they are acting is really dweeby.

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