Sunday, October 05, 2008

VP Debate

I am in the middle of watching the VP debate. (I know, a bit late, but I have to see Biden tear apart Palin)

Can someone please tell me why Palin is saying that Iraq=success?


Sorry, I am trying to be fair, but this chick is bat shit crazy. Her eyes just glaze over during any answer she gives...just like a typical fundie.

Man she is crazy. And Biden keeps stuttering.

In any case, anytime Palin speaks I just can't stop thinking about Fargo.

Oh, you betcha, ya!

1 comment:

Kristin said...

She's referencing McCain's debate and platform (re:Iraq=success). If you want to see stuttering, watch the mcCain/Obama debate. Compared to them, Palin and Biden are perfectly well-spoken.