I know that there is a lot of work ahead.
But: I am SO happy that Obama won.
Reganomics? Gone. A retard as president? Gone. A crooked administration? Gone.
Hopefully we can dig ourselves out of 8+ years of shit that Bush has thrown on this country.
Happy is the perfect word to describe the joy and hope our country now has! Very well said!! Barack to the Future!
But what is he going to change? No one can tell me that ...Hitler changed things for Germany to.
Uh...you probably haven't listened to the debates?
Go check them out.
I take it you, Angela, are not happy?
No, I'm not. I did see the first debate, but I did not see the rest. I have tried to keep up with the news (It's hard to find much unbiased).
O'Bama is going to raise taxes to finance his "change" i.e. healthcare, regardless of what he says, he must if he is going to socialize heathcare. I also remember reading about how crappy you think the german heathcare system is compared to here, in fact you wait until your in the US to go to the dentist, correct? Socialized industries lack efficiency and lose (tax) money.
Also, do you really think it's right to tax the rich at and even higher than that rediculous 50% rate it currently is? I think we need much less government interference and fiscal responsibility (yes, I know the past 8 years have not been), but with the economy the way it is, I have not heard of a plan to turn it around except this. FYI, when O'Bama lets the Bush tax cuts expire next year, my (the low-middle class) taxes will go up 2-3K. Maybe I have missed something?
BTW - this is not an attack on you Bob, just a debate :)
Hey Angela,
I don't think I have ever criticized the system here. I have, however, criticized certain aspects due to my laziness. I won't go to a dentist because they are a bit stingy with novicane and it's really hard to articulate what you feel in German when you don't know the words (due to laziness). Plus, I have the best dentist in the world in Rochester, so yeah, I wait.
How can I complain when Germans are entitled to health care from ANY doctor. All records are on a chip card that is in YOUR possession. How is that less efficient? There is no paperwork.
Plus, everyone here gets 6 weeks of PAID sick time per illness.
And the social part? I have to pay 7% of my monthly income before taxes as does my employer.
Take it for what it is. If it's cheaper with the crap HMOs then if that is what you want, fine. I happen to think that Americans should be able to choose freely which doctors they want to visit. Don't you? Do you like being restricted to network doctors?
Don't misunderstand me: there are faults with every system. I just think that the whole "pre-existing condition" thing is old. People get sick and that is why they need insurance. There should also be the security in the system that if you happen to be sick, you should get treatment regardless of a pre-existing condition and are able to stay out of work to recover.
As for the taxes: I don't know too much about the plan aside from no taxes raised unless you make more than 250k, company tax bonuses if they hire workers in the USA.
I think that Bush's policy in regards to the economy was wrong: you cannot have 2 wars AND cut taxes. Who pays for all of this?
I disagree with faith based initiatives. I disagree with the government butting in and making stem cell research illegal. I am against the government making abortion illegal. I am against the government butting in when it's not necessary. And I hope that he changes some of the unnecessary spending as well. No one wants money wasted.
Socialized systems are what they are: socialized. I realize that it's a bad word now to be called a socialist. Fine. But there are benefits to the postal system (socialized), law enforcement (at least partially socialized). You can go into any post office around the country and mail something. Isn't that convenient? How about doing that for health care? (for health care, not for postal service)
So even IF Obama raises your taxes 250 bucks a month, you cannot blame him solely: the last 8 years we saw a bloated government run by an incompetent administration (IMO). Bush ran up our debt and someone has to pay: the citizens. It'd be nice if the companies making record profits and cutting jobs at the same time could pay a fair bit, but that probably won't happen. Part of the non-socialist system is that businesses can cut jobs and it's ok.
I'm sorry that you are not happy. But if you are unhappy because of possibly losing 250 bucks a month, I know it can hurt, but look at the root of the problem.
Plus, in the event of liberal taxation, could adjust your lifestyle a little to compensate?
I had to learn to live within my means here. It wasn't easy because Americans are not used to that. We have credit for credit. Now, if I can't afford it, I don't buy it. I wear thicker clothing in the winter to cut heating costs, take public transportation, shop at Aldi, etc.
I certainly hope he does not tax anyone beyond what is reasonable.
Ok, my verbal diarrhea is done. :-) And I am not offended, as I hope you aren't. Remember, I am looking at things through a different lens now so I see it a bit differently now.
Tell the hubby and Gabe I say hi!
I hate Bush to, and the last 8 years were a nightmare (except for the tax cuts LOL). I am barely making ends meet now. It's gotten below 40 here at night and we still can't turn on the furnace until we have $ to put oil in the tank. We don't have cable or a landline and very basic internet. My husband waits 2 hours every morning to start work and I 1 hour at night to carpool and save on gas. I moved out of the city to (IMO) one of the best school districts in NY for my children, yes, my choice, and public transport doesn't make it within 20miles of here, or I would be on it so fast. $250/mo would mean home forclosure and into an apt for us. Not the worse that could happen, but not very nice for a family of 4 either.
By the way, the postal service sucks. They have lost b-day cards and cash (my g-father sent to Gabe). I wait in long lines to mail out stuff that may, or may not arrive at it's intended destination. I go with UPS or Fedex most of the time, and they are not socialized, union, but not socialized.
Socialism is not bad at all, it works for Canada, but that is not where we live. Capitalism is supposed to be the basis of America. If I wanted socialism, I'd move to Canada.
If O'Bama can manage to pass some bill without making my taxes larger, then fine, but I have a feeling I will be out on my butt.
Hey again,
Sorry to hear about your situation. And I hope things work out for you. Can you convert your heat to bio diesel?? Then you can use cooking oil...(ok, a fantasy, but a cool one!)
But: is it Obama or O'bama? Is it like an Irish thing?
Seriously...I hope I am not misspelling it.
LOL. I hope things work out for us to, if not, we move. I really wish we could convert to a bio-diesel! I have heard of that, but again, that costs $. Things could always be worse, I could live in the Sudan.
I think O'Bama is a muslim name.
I know it's a muslim name, but is it Obama or O'bama.
I find it interesting that after only hearing one debate a decision can be made to favor or unfavor either Presidential Candidate. I think it is our right as American Citizens to take a few minutes out of our busy day to do a little research on who will have the greatest job in our Country. I found the news at times annoying as they covered more gossip than actual facts.
The facts are President-Elect Barack Obama truly promised more for the working families, the middle class struggling to make ends meet. He promised to NOT raise taxes for those making lower than $250K. If you are making more than this amount, no one has my sympathy. He promised to make health care a priority. He promised to look into ways to create more jobs. How can anyone look at any of these things as a bad thing?
On top of the work he has ahead he is a symbol for everyone that lives in this great Country of ours that no matter your history, the color of your skin... you can be anything when you grow up. Just winning America's vote is a success and worth celebrating!
(IMO) I don’t think it possible for him not to raise taxes (even to those that make under 250K) and pay for a socialized heathcare system. I also believe that chopping the current tax cuts are the same as increasing taxes. I truly hope he can do what he has promised. I guess only time will tell.
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