Friday, March 27, 2009

Not Welcome

I got a visit yesterday from an old friend:

Panic Attack

This time it was a full-blown-in-public-can't-catch-my-breath attack.

I'd never had one like that before.



Matt said...

Bob its all the anxiety of moving back home. You'll be fine! You going to miss Dresden alot. I dont know what to say T-minus 5 days and counting! Se you then!

Kristin said...

When I moved cross-country I was sick all over Ohio. Then after I got to SD, I got hives all over my body. Stress does all kinds of fun things to you. This is a big move for you... try to take it easy as much as is possible. This is a stressful time.

Anonymous said...

Bob, I'm so sorry you had the panic attack. We can't wait to have you home. Should we schedule our first fight now, or just let it happen spontaneously?? Won't it be fun???
Seriously, we can't wait to have you here & hope that your stress level decreases. You've done amazingly well w/selling your things & we already have Box #1. It sounds like things are falling into place nicely. Again, your family (Matt) & friends are so wonderful & supportive of you. You are blessed!

Matt said...

t -minus 3 days and counting!

Matt said...

2 days and counting see you soon.