Wednesday, April 15, 2009

2 Weeks Back

I'd like to say that I have gone head first into my new life.

I haven't. 

Thank you, jet lag.

But, things are slowly getting to be "normal" for me.

If by normal I mean this new life I have for myself.

Thanks to my brother and my father, I got home the same day as I arrived (longest day ever). I am quite sure my dad will never go to the JFK airport (read: New York City) again.

I've had a few funny run-ins with the revers culture shock that I want to share. Some very pleasant, some not so funny. But that will come over time. I'll start writing about them soon.

But before that we have a new member of the family:

Caleb (or Kaleb, I have no idea):


Unknown said...

It's all 2 lbs. of Caleb. He even has a tiny dog tag w/his name on it now, so he's official!! It is soooo good to have you home. We don't know what to do w/our Sun. 3:30 time slot now!

Anonymous said...

Glad to have you back Bob! And that's a great picture of Caleb. What a cute little guy.

Anonymous said...

BTW, your profile needs to be updated. It still says you live in Germany. :)