Saturday, August 11, 2007

What Do I Want? (Alternate title: A (Mostly) Shameless Plug)

That is the question I have been getting, and since it's my birthday, I can understand people asking.

But I have no idea what I need or want that is less than 1000 dollars.

(Shameless plug coming!)

So, if you want, go to and look through my pictures. If any of them speak to you, buy one.

That would be cool because it'd give you something as well, and it'd boost my ego a bit—even for a day.

And even if none of them look good to you or you don't want to buy any, the site will look good because more people are visiting it than just me constantly checking to see if others are looking.

And that would make my day.

I'm out.

1 comment:

Tobius said...

I'll look through them at the very least (but I'm the guy who's cheap enough to eat Ramen at work) . . . Sorry I forgot to think about it at work today: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!