Monday, September 03, 2007

The Weekend

Hey all. I was quite busy last weekend. A little physical and mental all in one fun filled weekend!

I got the idea that I needed a new board game to play. Yeah, a board game. Really, they are fun: and you sit around and talk and drink and, hopefully, win.

And it's cool that Germans love board games and have so many cool ones to choose from. (most I've seen are about taking over the world...I wonder why...)

So I got this one called "Pillars of the Earth". Designed to follow the book by the same name, the object is to, well, win. You have to build a church and there are resources and bonuses and so on to collect to get points and to, well, win.

The instructions were in German only (of course), and it took a bit of translating and on line searching for English instructions or, at the very least, a description of how the game is played. One was found (thanks,!)

So the game was played many times and I tried really hard to, well, win.

I won once the whole weekend. I sat and suffered through hours of this game to win ONCE.

Well, that was the mental side of the weekend. Now comes the physical.

I took a bike ride to the Pillnitz Palace. It was about a 30km ride altogether and it was a nice enough day to do it. I was surprised that one of the bridges that I had to cross, the "legendary" "blue wonder" bridge was closed for some odd reason. And, as a funny note, it seemed that the whole city was out and walking across the car-less bridge! I felt so caught up in the moment that I had to snap a few pictures:

Are you impressed?

Thought not.

Anyway, the palace was really nice. I heard that they want to start charging admission soon so I hope that it's not until after my parents come to visit in a week and a half.

I guess that is all for now.


Anonymous said...

Nice pics of the palace and flower. Love the colors!

Christina & Jake said...

Hey! I like the picture of the flower! And I'd looove to try out that new board game of yours! :) c