Sunday, July 06, 2008

I Give Up

This article pushed me over the edge.

Along with all the others: bio diesel is driving food prices up; Hummer clubs are suffering* because gas prices are so high; honey bees are becoming extinct...

We seem to be trying to compensate for our cushy lifestyles. But it's not working.

And science is partially to blame. But I have to give scientists credit: they are at least trying. Do you have energy saving lights (probably carcinogenic we'll find out in a few years) in your house? When was the last time you carpooled? 

But come on...gas prices are not going to fall back to "normal". It's clear to the politicians and the oil companies that people will simply pay for the gas they need. They collect record profits and we have to take bicycles.

And that could be a blessing in disguise. People would at least be more active.

But I am just plain tired of being told that the consumer choice I make it the correct one or the "better" one and then being told a year later that it was wrong. Seriously, do scientist not have the foresight for this? What is the cause?

Simply: why??!

We as humans are an easily manipulated lot. Just look at the few headlines I can recall from childhood to now: Eggs are healthy/Eggs are not healthy, Butter is bad/Butter is better than margarine, There are definitely WMDs/there are not WMDs, Smoking doesn't kill/smoking kills...I'm sure I could search the internet for more but I think the point is made. We need to become more informed. Myself included. Critical thinking needs to be promoted and used in daily life. I believe that the media relies on the general lack of subject specific education and critical thinking to, perhaps, manipulate the masses.

*I think that Hummers are the most unnecessary vehicles in the history of vehicles. The fact that someone bought this monstrosity and now cannot afford to "feed" it is, to me, poetic justice. Fuck Hummers!

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