Wednesday, November 26, 2008

GZ and DPS

Hello all.

It's been a while. And do you know why? If you couldn't tell from the last few posts, I'll tell ya:

World of Warcraft.

Yep. I am officially an addict. It's not uncommon in my life though. I lost a whole summer to Starcraft 10 years ago.

Now, I have no excuse for staying in and only playing this game except it's so much fun!

But, as with many new things, I need to get used to the lingo. Maybe some of this is normal for some of you, but for me I had to ask silly questions to which a reply would be "die noob!"

Noob (or nub) = noobie =  a new person
TY = simple: thank you. (used when you help another player slay a beast or if you give them healing or water)
NP = the reply to TY and it is "no problem"
LFG = looking for group
Tank = a type of player who "tanks" his way into a group of enemies"
Healer = a player who heals said tanks
DPS = "damage per second". That is my character's strength. I stand back and blast them with ice :-)
CC = crowd control (I can  turn one enemy into a sheep, reducing the menace a bit.

I am getting the hang of all the lingo but it's not easy. 

And why am I blogging and not playing??

Weekly maintenance every Wednesday til 12.



Kristin said...

Ugh... stupid computer games! Get out there and talk to live people at least once in awhile.

MS said...

tank = meatshield

What server you on?

Bob said...

I guess it the European realms it's Tank.

I'm on the european "Arie Peak"