Friday, December 28, 2007

Back to Dresden

Today is the day I go back home.

Well, my other home anyway.

It's been an interesting trip home and I have had a good time, but I am happy to be going home again.

I have to admit that it hasn't been the most amazing trip home like it was last year. I guess the circumstances were different last year and I was expecting much more this time.

I dunno. I am a bit let down. But that's life.

So today, I do the reverse trip and hop on that plane for 12 hours and fly my ass back to Dresden.

I hope that all my flights are on time (who doesn't??) and that I get home when I am supposed to.

That's all. I'll check in when I get home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry you were let down on your trip home this time. Next time we'll book the Cirque du Soleil for you & possibly the Kirov Ballet. Yeah, it was quiet is some ways, but it was wonderful to have you here.