Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Red Five Standing By...

I have no excuse except I have been wrapped up in a game—Star Wars: Empire at War.

I know: I am a loser-geek. But wouldn't you like to play a game where you can control the very universe that impacted my whole childhood!! 

Yeah, I've lost probably 3 days playing this damn game (loving every minute of it, thankyouverymuch).

But I do have things to report. I was finally accepted into iStock for stock photography. Ok, I have no idea if they'll take any of my photos, but we'll see. I'm on my way to being a semi-pro photographer.

Also, last week, I went and shot some pictures of Vera, and it was a blast. In about 2 hours, I got to see a wide range of baby emotions and for the most part it was all positive. She's a happy baby.

Let's is good, job is ok, still playing squash, lost 12 lbs so far....can't think of much more to write at the moment. I just wated to post something because I feel guilty.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

I am bored! How come you haven't updated your blog? I am trapped here at home with not much too do.... Are you overly addicted to your game?