Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Heart of the Matter

I don't know why it so scares the shit out of me.

Heart attack.

When I was a kid and was at school, we often loved the "movie classes" at school. The custodian wheeled in the movie projector (that dates me, huh), fed the film through the projector and fired up the lamp to show is some "wonderful" film. Often, it was great because it gave us a break to just passively sit and take in something. (like I didn't do enough of that at home in front of the TV )

Well, the one I remember most is a heart health movie where it has a happy daddy-type man getting up and innocently getting ready for his day. He does everything from taking a shower with him switching quickly form hot to cold to shock his body, to short sprints to the car, etc.

I don't remember much after that except for him being wheeled into a hospital on a stretcher moaning in pain.

Of course, he lives. (Thanks to the USAs *ahem* stellar health system)

But I can't get that out of my mind.

Anyone care to tell me why?

I mean, it could be that I am just a scared weenie.

Or, I had a former life and that is how I died (if you care to consider reincarnation)

I dunno.

I had a moment of silence that needed to be filled.

So there it is.


Anonymous said...

All that matters, whether the daddy-type man lived or died, is the superior American medical system...LOL!!! Sorry, this is a real concern for you. Um, er, guess I don't have the "Mommy Answer" for you. We all have a way of dying we're afraid of.

Anonymous said...

Damn dude. I feel the same way about heart attacks. I am trying to make up now for years of poor dieting. Gotta take more vitamins...