Tuesday, February 12, 2008

They're So Dreamy! ('cept that old guy and the Jesus guy)

I guess it's down to the last few people standing.

Barack, Hillary, Mike, or John. (at the moment)

A twisted Beatles group. I'd guess John=Ringo. (or, the ugly one)

The lesser of 4 evils. (?)

The best one to lead the country.

And it's between the "snake handler", the "veteran", the "experience", or the "hope and change".

A twisted music group. A political Backstreet Boys.

Without writing too much, but also fulfilling my one-a-day (like my vitamins), I wanted to say that I want Barack.

Not because I'm a sexist and I don't want a woman. I think Hillary is pretty darn cool.

I just think Barack would be better. Maybe a gut feeling. Maybe not.

But after reading his website and how he stands on issues, he's good.

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